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The 4444® social movement advocates
a harmonious global order
by monitoring a fragrance-based marker to
revolutionize human well-being achieve genuine AI alignment facilitate policy trade-offs optimization unite humanity under a shared objective help assess authorities’ guidelines establish a universal frame of reference lead people to evaluate their lifestyles help individuals observe their fitness
and much more.


Through reliance on interdisciplinary research, the 4444® movement develops educational and action programs to cultivate greater harmony.


Considering gene-environment interaction, it aims to improve general behavior by adjusting environmental stimuli impacting various systems.


By measuring a fragrance-based marker, the movement suggests a non-invasive approach to monitor progress from an individual to a collective level.

It's Not the What But the How

Given cultural diversities, there is no single vision or path toward greater harmony, enabling us to learn from each other's best practices. Thus, the 4444® movement emphasizes how we can measure progress universally and design our governances by imitating natural phenomena.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.

Why Use Smell to Gauge Algorithmic and Policy Biases Towards Greater Harmony?

Happiness cannot be Pursued
Most pleasant states and experiences, such as success, happiness, and harmony, cannot be pursued but instead occur organically due to the right conditions resulting from the ideal policies.

Healthy organisms normally emit a pleasurable fragrance. Pleasant scents have higher energy but shorter wavelengths. As infants, we radiate an energizing scent. However, as we age, our current lifestyles alter the delightful aroma into an unpleasant smell we try to mask.

Our scent changes by the complex interplay of genetic factors, evolutionary forces, and epigenetic alterations. Thus, our policies should primarily focus on addressing epigenetic factors.
Concealed biases in policy representations or machine algorithms, whether cognitive or data-driven, often primarily reward organized interests and become apparent after implementation.
Optimal policy outcomes require a reliable frame of reference for judgments and deliberations of potential consequences and trade-offs.
Scientific information is frequently used for stealth policy advocacy by hiding preferences for a particular policy or class of policies.

Science is limited to the perception and intellectual capacity of the human brain. These limits include the inability of the brain to know the extent of that capacity itself.

The human scent contains a wealth of biological and psychological information about the individual. Odor analysis can help gauge human progress holistically, non-invasively, and transparently — regardless of race, ethnicity, or location.

Akin as we absorb the scents and vibes around us, by inhaling and exhaling within our shared atmosphere, we constantly manipulate one another private internal environment, affecting each other’s mental and physical well-being.
As humanity is interconnected in various fields, the growth of the individual is limited or facilitated, to a large degree, by the ascension of our collective spirit in a spiral fashion.
Scent’s quantum/classical dynamics compel us to collaborate and support each other, whereas fear and intimidation are explicitly counterproductive.
The scent-based marker’s capacity to chronicle general well-being boosts collaboration and cooperation. It unites humanity, helps eliminate most illnesses, and turns education and good deeds into novel forms of wealth.

A non-invasive quantum nose empowers individuals with a personalized compass to monitor lifestyle choices’ impact on improving their conditions and preventing diseases.

Currently, the influence of special interest groups on policy-making is unpreventable. However, attending to the special value of our scent is essential because it provides a universal sense of direction and purpose in life.

To rectify the world, we need to rectify our brains, which requires a rectified world. Therefore, rectification is a journey and not a destination. Our scent is our reliable compass.
We need a simultaneous global top-down and bottom-up transformation to attain lasting universal harmony and equitable human flourishing.

Laws of Nature

It’s impossible to overcome the laws and patterns that govern nature even at its most fundamental level, including biases, asymmetry, and non-superimposability. However, we can reorganize our affairs to harness and direct them to achieve lasting societal harmony.

Root cause

Addressing the Symptoms Root Cause

The research — based on approaches like analogical reasoning, first principles thinking, and root cause analysis — has led to an unexpected area: concealed knowledge within the narratives of sacred scriptures that natural phenomena and discoveries in fields like quantum biology can validate.

Magen David Mystery

Primordial Secret (Star Shield of David)

In 2011, discovering a “mysterious carving” in the City of David “puzzled the experts.” The research indicates that the symbols in this carving constitute David’s name in Hebrew and Perso-Arabic, along with “the missing Alef of Exile to Redemption.” It represents the genuine “Shield of David,” as it entails the key to manifesting the ‘Shielding Divine Feminine’ (Shekhinah) through a distinctive governance model.

Radical Change - Revolutionary Results

The suggested changes are radical and might seem counter-intuitive or impossible to implement. However, while promoting greater harmony, they will eventually terminate and inhibit the recurrence of most conflicts, natural resources insecurities, tyrannies, slaveries, many diseases, most injustices, blind obedience, most organized religious practices, various marital issues, and so on.

Although the suggested solutions can be complex, here are four simplified examples

Status and Role of Women

Scriptures imply the essential key for a rescuing transformation is the status and role of women, highlighting the need for women with explicit ‘feminine’ qualities in power positions, not masculine females, as is common nowadays. A gender-specific governance model is proposed with increased responsibilities for women.

The Nose Knows to Diagnose

Scriptures suggest smell is crucial for assessing progress and survival, like the protective function of pregnancy hyperosmia. It is uncorrupted and fundamental to the consciousness based on its quantum-classical modality. The olfactory monitoring solution will eventually unite humanity under a shared objective.

Earth-Gut-Brain-EMF Axis

Scriptures indicate the significance of the Earth-gut microbiome symbiosis in conjunction with the ventricular system and the Earth’s magnetic field for overall well-being at many levels, including moral behavior. This mechanism could illuminate the science behind memory, binding, and real-time conscious action.​

Governing Gardening

Scriptures explicitly rule against imperialist approaches. They consider the globe as one giant tree comprising seven branches with a trunk for its management. Its leaves comprise a multiplicity of small, self-governing, sovereign entities exercising broad political, administrative, fiscal, and market autonomy.

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